At first we would just run to the lake. Me and you and papa. Running from situations, running from life, from the hurt your mama had put us through, etc, etc. I guess we were just running away.We spent a lot of days at first just sitting and talking, me you and papa. Not sure how everything would change for you, for us. We knew we had to plan for you.We had to plan again to raise yet another baby.At our age that was a BIG plan. But out of our great love for you and for your mama we kept going, vowing to you that we would never leave you until God calls us home no mater what.
I cannot imagine our lives without you. I believe that your mama did what she did because she was very young, to young to know what she had stepped into when she had you. It happens.Usually not for the better of the children. But I am not sure that is always the case. To be loved, that is why God put us here, to be loved and to find love later with another individual, then to give that love away. Life is not so complicated as I have learned at this stage in my life. When I am taking my final breaths, it doesn't matter what I had throughout my life, it only matters who I loved, who loved me, and whether I gave love away to others like I will give to you.
Children are precious just as you are to us. I believe your mama loves you as much as she can FOR NOW! That doesn't mean that she loves you less than what we do, she is just in a different place in her life. A place that sometimes makes us a little mad at her and that is difficult to understand, but still a different place.She is growing just like you. So for now we will just hang out at the lake and be sad and pout just the three of us until our plans our all decided. Papas going to catch him a big fish anyways and we wouldn't want to miss that. Papa will fish with you just like he did with all the other kids. Hopefully you are more patient then your Uncle D.J. LOL! He threw a number of poles at the fish! He was an awful fisherman!
Lets just watch the sun rise and we will think about it tomorrow, OK?
Nana and Papa adore you as we always will. Did I tell you lately how much I love you?
Mother Teresa said, "People who love each other fully and truly are the happiest people in the world. They may have nothing but they are happy people. Everything depends on how we love one another."
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